Woodland horizon | Staircon

Case story

Woodland horizon

“We made the switch to Staircon, which has a much easier interface and is a more up-to-date software. For the average consumer a 2D drawing doesn’t mean much, until you show the 3D full colored rendering of the actual space, it’s a huge benefit for the sales team. The 3D visualisation is truly a game changer to visualise how the project is going to look in real life.” Laverne Martin (Owner, Woodland Horizon Ltd)

“Staircon is a completely open software. On the CAD side, we can arrange in the database all our custom post and handrails, spindles, nosing’s, etc.  We can even modify the CAM configuration as things goes through the production, to run exactly what works well on the machine and in our shop.” Michael Drost (Stair Engineer/Designer, Woodland Horizon Ltd)

Watch the case video

Website: woodlandhorizon.com

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