Staircon Sales – 3D construction and visualisation
The easiest way to a selling design
Let your customer see the staircase they envision. Staircon Sales is the perfect tool for construction and visualisation in 3D. The staircase is designed in three views; Plan view, side view and 3D view. The visualisation in 3D gives a good understanding of what the finished staircase will look like. Surrounding walls, windows and doors can also be visualised. Different design alternatives can easily be presented for the end customer, for example material and finish. The plan view is typically used to design the shape of the stair, floor opening and walls. Dimensioning can be done automatically and/or manually. The side view is typically used to edit the side shape of strings and balustrade.
The stairs compliancy to chosen building regulations (headroom, step height etc) is easily tested. Documentation can be generated with project properties as well as scaled drawings of plan-, side and 3D view. Guides with predefined stair shapes are used to quickly draw the most common staircases. Staircon also allows for modification into any shape, giving the user a large range of design possibilities. Floor balustrade, floor openings and walls can also be created with flexible design.
There is no limitation to the number of stairs, floors or stairwells that can be designed in one single project.
Examples of design features:
- Free shape floor opening and walls
- Free shape of stair
- Free shape floor balustrade
- Glass balustrade
- Cut top side of steps- antiglide and stone inlay
- Carpet on step
- Bent front edge of step
- Bullnose step
- Space saving stair
- String and handrail with radius (arc)
- Round post
- Z-riser
- Bolzen staircases
- Winderbox stairs
- Spiral stairs
- Round stairs
Design and 3D
Bullnose step, string with radius, step with radius front, and round post.
Design and 3D
Software for stair design with visualisation in 3D. Demonstration movie showing design views, 3D view, examples of stair models and editing the project.